Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Transcendant Earth

First things first. I was/am not prepared to do this. I've basically been bamboozled out of time. I've also noticed that's been happening a lot. The bamboozling. 

Anyways, as I was looking for something I came across this one particular picture that I didn't remember taking. I knew it was from a local cove that my friends group had taken a hiking excursion to once, but those successive weekends that we had decided to take up this long and arduous (wow do you see that SAT vocab A+ Rishita 10/10 use) activity all seemed to blur together at the seams. 

But then it hit me. This moment was a blur in the seams. A crack transcending the ocean, or maybe even the same melancholic sky. What was probably once earth now struggled to gasp for air, barely making it through the seemingly tranquil waters. Mother Earth just isn't an entity, it's like a gateway to an entirely different dimension; a dimension that exists not only in tangible space, but also in the mind.   

Who knows. Maybe it's just me going a little crazy. Maybe it's just me bringing a favorite musical piece back to life. I really don't know. 
