Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Calm After the Storm

The tranquility that often precedes a catastrophic event is known as "the calm before the storm." Before the waves of an impending storm begin to rock the boats of our lives, there lies moment of peace, of silence, of suspense. 

Often ignored, however, is the calm after the storm.  It's an entirely different experience. Your boat is badly scratched; perhaps the strong winds cut a hole through your mast, but you made it through-- it's all over now. There is a moment of peace as you recollect yourself and realize that the storm has passed.

The little boy in the picture had just made it through a small, but significant storm. Cruising down the Mississippi River in central Louisiana, he encountered one of his greatest fears-- the alligator. As his tears dry up, he looks out the boat to realize the danger is past; nothing is going to harm him. The calm after the storm has arrived; he is safe now. 
