Monday, October 14, 2013

Trader Joes: Snack Break

It's a familiar scene. You walk down to your kitchen, starving, open the pantry, and to your complete and utter surprise, its full of snacks-- all the snacks you probably don't want to eat. Those half-melted chocolates from last Halloween and bags of random expired chips are not only unappetizing, but chances are that they are unhealthy as well.

Here's some better alternatives for your snack break that we suggest from our local favorite grocery store, Trader Joe's. Reasonable prices and a tasty variety of foods makes Trader Joe's a one-stop trip for all your snacking needs. 

1. White Cheddar Popcorn
2. Luna Bars: S'mores
3. Fruit Wraps
4. Green Tea

5. Pita Chips & Hummus
6. Mini Hold the Cone Ice Cream
7. Vegetable Root Chips
8. Red Seedless Grapes