Monday, October 14, 2013

Local Eats: Handel's Homemade Ice Cream and Yogurt

Tuesdays in Southern California are never complete without a trip to Handel's Homemade Ice Cream and Yogurt. Recognized as "One of the Best Ice Cream Parlors in the Country" by various publications, Handel's never-ending list of delectable flavors never fails to satisfy the taste buds of all ice-cream lovers. Tuesdays, or rather, "Two-Dollar Tuesday" at Handel's gather flocks of people, eager to get two scoops of this creamy goodness for only two dollars!

Last Tuesday after band practice, Coffeestrokes made the journey to Handel's for a quick ice-cream celebration for a successful blogging week.

1. Chocoholic Chunk and Mint Chip
2. Peach (MELTING OMG)
3. Chocoholic Chunk and Strawberry 

Hope to see you guys there next Tuesday!