Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ode to the Roses

This isn't the first time I'm posting this picture to the internet, but it is the first time I'm telling the story behind it. 

This bike is obviously decorated with roses–way to state the obvious, Rishita. But I actually didn't take a picture of it the first time I walked past it, I mean to be honest the roses looked plastic and half the bicycles were decorated with flowers anyways. But then while I was walking away, an elderly woman approached the bike and began replenishing the bike with new, albiet still plastic, but new nonetheless, roses. I attempted to ask her if I could take a picture of her bike; unforuntaely, I conveniently forgot that Dutch people were willing to reply in every single language except for english. After a few seconds of broken conversation, she finally agreed to let me take a picture of the bike. Not her with the bike. Just the bike. As I began taking the picture, she was able to explain to me that she changed the bike's flowers everyday, and that if I came back the next day I'd probably see it sporting lovely yellow roses. I smiled and thanked her for the lovely few minutes of conversation before I caught up with my friends again. 

I stopped to smell the roses, and the roses delivered. 

Love, Rishita